A day in the life of an artist: Week 11

Dec 17, 2022

Welcome to my weekly blog posts documenting my first 100 days of being a full time artist. I am running a daily diary on my instagram stories and this weekly blog post of what I've been up to, what have been the challenges, the surprises, what I've learned / discovered etc.

This is my 11th week and boy has it been cold but very beautiful! I've had a busy start to the week with workshops all weekend and then cracking on in the studio for the final push on my Northern Lights collection.


So what's happened?

So this week involved a bit of recovery time from running two workshops over the weekend, 100 miles apart from each other and involving a very frosty and early morning drive up to Newcastle. It's always a lovely welcome from the Biscuit Factory and we had a lovely creative day with the group.


Paula Dunn Artist at the Biscuit Factory Newcastle 


The rest of the week has been studio time and really trying to push along with my collection for the Northern Lights. I've started to make some work in progress videos for some of the paintings that are now completed. The first is of Lakeland lights which just so happens to be the image I've used for my Christmas cards this year!






Out and about

So just recovering from my cold I have enjoyed my frosty walks in to the studio. The canal has frozen more and more over the week. In fact one of the boats broke up the ice on Wednesday but by Friday it was frozen solid again and my two little swan friends were reduced to a small patch of clear water.


Swans on Leeds Liverpool Canal with Paula Dunn Artist


Earlier this week I was upset to see that one of them had been injured. It doesn't look too bad but still upsetting to see. As if they haven't got enough to deal with trying to survive in this weather. Still it looks like lots of people have the same idea as me and feed them on their walks as they seem to have a surplus of food.


Injured swan on Leeds Liverpool canal


In terms of the injury it looks like something has tried to have a go at his wing. Dog attacks seem to be fairly common with swans which is upsetting as it is something which can be easily avoided. The dog walkers I meet on my way to the studio have their dogs under control and it is a joy to be greeted by these characters on my walk. I'll be keeping an eye on these two over the winter months and will look forward to seeing if they have any cygnets next year.


What next?

Next week is a big push to complete my collection for Northern lights.Must get it finished before the festive break!

Check out my daily posts on my instagram stories for some sneak peeks.

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