Then using my squeegee I covered the whole piece with the transparent Chinese Orange by Sennelier. I love how the white pigment stick glowed through the orange.
Studio with a view! This work was produced whilst in the South West of Ireland... next stop was America!
I wanted a muted effect so I brayered some white over the whole painting. The idea is to tone down the colours but not to cover them up completely.
At this point I start to add more colour and form to the painting and use tissue to create some texture.
The tissue created some lovely effects here so I decide to use the brayer and gently add some thin layers of white, blending the colours as I am doing so.
More white is applied using a palette knife and I then gently blend in the colours with the knife and a fan brush.
More white paint is applied with a palette knife and a brayer to create more contrast. Tissue is also used in places to help define some of the vegetation and pull up some of the under colour. Darker colour is applied for further contrast and to create depth.
Here you can see the effects of the tissue paper where it helps to create tree like forms.
Finally after a lot of blending with fan brushes and palette knives the piece is completed and named New Lands II.
The solvent used in the early stages has creeped under the masking tape and created a stain around the edging. This is unintentional but I do like the effect it has produced and will be leaving it showing rather than having a mount right up to the edge of the painting.
It's sister painting New Lands was created using similar techniques and colours.
Both paintings will be on show at the Saltaire Arts Trail in May.