I am so happy to be returning to Birch Tree Gallery in Edinburgh for a solo exhibition and I have 16 brand new paintings which I have spent most of this summer working on.
First to be completed was Between land and sea. I love the dark areas in this painting which allows the gold leaf to just pop. There is a sense of looking down and out across a loch or the sea.

Above: Between land and sea, 80 x 80 cm, oils, cold wax and gold leaf, framed in a simple white tray frame.

Clockwise above: Soft autumnal glow, Autumn's arrival, Autumn's light I, Autumn's light II, all 46 x 46 cm, oils, cold wax and gold leaf, framed in a hand-painted St Ives frame.

Above: Dry-snap of morning, 100 x 100 cm, oils, cold wax and gold leaf, framed in a simple white tray frame.
When I started this collection the only thing I had in mind was to make sure it was inspired by Scotland. When I set out to paint I don't generally have an idea of what the final painting will look like, the only thing I do know is which colours I want to use.

Above: Where the light falls, 100 x 100 cm, oils, cold wax and gold leaf, framed in a simple white tray frame.

What I ended up with was a collection of paintings which are clearly inspired by water, whether it is a loch, the sea or a river. Not quite sure where that was coming from - maybe inspired by my sailing trip off the West Coast of Scotland this summer and my trip to Orkney and Shetland last year.

Clockwise above: Safe harbour, Waiting for the tide, Swimming in turquoise, Drifting on the wind, all 36 x 41.5 cm, oils, cold wax and gold leaf, framed in a hand-painted St Ives frame.
Whatever the inspiration you will generally find a path tracing its way across the land, sometimes created using gold leaf, other times scratched into, sgraffito like to reveal the bright base layers of the painting.

Above: Walk with me,
I do hope you like this collection and that you get chance to visit it in Edinburgh. The exhibition opens on Saturday 19 October and if you would like to see any of the paintings or have any queries about them please contact Jurgita directly.
Birch Tree Gallery
23A Dundas Street
Edinburgh, EH3 6QQ
+44 (0)131 556 4000
Open Tuesday - Saturday 11:00 am - 4:00 pm