Between two rivers

Product Description
The project between two rivers grew out of a long standing friendship between Myles and I that has involved a lot of curry and far too many nights standing at Fall gigs wondering which way the evening was going to go. When Myles moved to Beverley we started visiting places around Hull, especially on the waterfronts of the Humber and the Hull. We found we were talking a lot about the strange landscapes of places like Sunk Island, to the east of Hull and the old warehouses and industrial works on the banks of the River Hull as it passes through the city. Further afield, we went to places near Goole and Ferriby as well as the south bank of the Humber, Swinefleet and the Isle of Axholme. We were both fascinated by the Dutch River, constructed in the 17th century following a king’s order that the River Don be ‘moved’ because it flooded his favourite hunting grounds. One day I found I was driving along ’the road Between Two Rivers’ and we had a title for the collaborative piece we had been talking about idly for ages.
Published by Maytree Press
ISBN 978-1-9160381-5-8