Spring Mists

Apr 19, 2019

Paula Dunn Artist Spring Mists

There are all sorts of things that influence me when I'm choosing the colours I am going to work with. The influence behind this painting was the planning for one of my workshops where I was wanting to use some contrasting / warm / cold colours for people to experiment with. I was drawn to a number of already mixed greys which is quite unusual for me as I do tend to want to mix my own greys generally but these lilac / blue / greys in this painting really got my attention and have worked so well with the Senellier Chinese Orange.

Paula Dunn Artist Spring Mists

This is quite a usual palette for me but I think the colours and composition work really well. It was probably a reaction to all those paintings I have done over the winter which the dark dark clouds of doom... swapped the dark clouds for rather ominous mists!

Paula Dunn Artist Spring Mists

There is a little mini series of paintings called spring mists which I created at the same time and I am looking forward to seeing them all displayed together at the Saltaire Arts Trail.

Spring Mists is 54 x 45 cm and is glazed and framed.

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