So I am loving my new studio but with work commitments and generally feeling a bit meh about all this lockdown I found myself not leaving the house for 3-4 days at one point in January. It's easily done, you get stuck at the computer and the next thing you know you are half way through the week. So I decided to join the 100 day project this year. You may have already seen this on social media but I've got a couple of friends who have done this over the years and used it to focus on a particular area of art / craft. The idea is to pick something you want to do every day for the 100 days. What can you do? Anything at all! Paint, draw, dance, knit, doodle, sing, build lego sculptures...

I think its a tough one as 100 days takes you to 10 May which seems ages away but I am almost a quarter of the way through this and it gets me out of the house as I now have to go to the studio to paint everyday.

So what is my project? Well I am creating a little painting each day based on the weather using a limited palette ie 3 colours and white to keep it simple. Should be a lot of black, grey and white paintings over the next couple of months then!

The paintings are 10 x 10 cm in size and are created on paper but will be finished on board. Each one has its own little colour chart which documents the colours I have used.

If all goes to plan they will all be finished before the end of May and I can't wait to see what all 100 will look like together.
There's a bit more info here if you fancy joining the challenge - don't worry that it started yesterday, so long as you do something over 100 days.
Keep up to date with my progress on instagram.