The big studio sale

Jan 13, 2020

I have some pretty spectacular changes lined up for this year with the most exciting one being a move out of my cellar studio into a brand new, purpose built studio in Bingley. Still some way to go before I get in there but I have the plans and I have cut out small squares of sticky coloured paper to help me decide where things are going to go.

My cellar studio has served me well for 12 years but it is time to move on as it is no longer big enough to accommodate all my work. So the clear out has begun and my annual studio sale is going to be extra special this year as it will not only help reduce how much stuff goes with me to Bingley but will also help to fund kitting out the studio.

So take a look, the sale runs until 16 February. There are some real bargains to be had with original paintings, prints and cards available.

Here's a taste of what is available.

View my webpages for the full listing of all works for sale.

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