Paula Dunn

Oct 14, 2013

Snail mail anyone...?

[caption id="attachment_1596" align="alignright" width="196"] Go on give me a click...[/caption] I generally like to make use of electronic mail as much as possible but nothing beats receiving the odd postcard, greetings card or even preview invitation in the mail.  Well it's getting to that tim...

Sep 24, 2013

The end is nigh....

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="1329"] Well it only feels like a couple of days ago when we were setting up the exhibition at The Old Grammar School Gallery in Otley, wondering whether anyone would turn-up for the preview never mind consider buying a painting or two. Sadly the exhibition is co...

Aug 30, 2013

Sneaky peek...

So it's Friday night and for a change we're not in the pub (well not yet anyway!) Instead we have been busy installing my exhibition at TOGS which officially opens with the preview on the evening of Saturday 31 August. So I thought I'd give you a laugh at the chaos I caused - seriously how many t...

Aug 25, 2013

The (manic..!) preparation for an exhibition

My solo exhibition is fast approaching and true to form I am now panicking about whether I have enough paintings despite dropping off work with TOGS yesterday and thinking that I may have too many big pieces... the fact is that until I help Zack hang the work on Friday I will not be happy and eve...

Aug 07, 2013

Solo exhibition... eek!

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="1260,902,901,1335,806,961,702,1336,1338,1305,1284,1306,1285,1222,1221,1220,1219,1207,797,1340,441,439,440"]Not long now before my solo exhibition with TOGS and as you can see from the images above things are coming together very quickly now.  I've  still a few pai...

Aug 03, 2013

Frack this...

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="904,901,798,600,417"] It's so hard not to get annoyed by witless comments made by some people about the North East, North West, oop North and its suitability for anything they personally would not want to happen in the area they have chosen to live. There are so...