
Jack and Iggy

Jan 04, 2019

Jack and Iggy

Since Jack and Ig moved in, the house now smells a lot more. The toilet seat is always left down as Ig has a tendency to fall in it and we have discovered that it's not just Andrex puppies who like toilet rolls. 
God's own work in progress

Jan 01, 2019

God's own work in progress

Over the last 3 years I have been painting a series called God's Own. They were very much inspired by the beautiful Yorkshire landscape with rolling green hills and dark brooding skies. Most of them were painted with oil on canvas and the largest being 1m x 1m.

Oil and pigment sticks

Dec 21, 2018

Oil and pigment sticks

I tend to use oil and pigment sticks when I'm starting a painting to get some initial marks down on the paper but they can also be used to work into a painting. The painting does need to be somewhat dry in order to transfer your marks and ensure you are not just moving paint about.

Workshops for 2019

Oct 21, 2018

Workshops for 2019

When I first approach April at the Craft House in Saltaire last year about running some workshops with her neither of us anticipated how popular they would be.  We are now fully booked until June 2019 and have recently launched some new dates to take us up to the end of 2019!
Waymaking: an anthology of women's adventure writing, poetry and art

Aug 18, 2018

Waymaking: an anthology of women's adventure writing, poetry and art

So pleased to have my work included in this fantastic book featuring 50 awesome female writers, poets and artists. The book will be released in October 2018 in a timely publication that marks the centenary year of women’s suffrage.
The valley trembles...

Aug 18, 2018

The valley trembles...

I have been using Arches Huille paper since I first started using oil and cold wax and I love it!  But I really wanted to scale up and see what could be achieved on a larger scale using the paper and oil and cold wax.  The valley trembles is my first large scale painting using oil and cold wax on paper.